Kanye West Becomes a Christian: Fact or Fiction?
We have all seen the news reports, the headlines, the critics, etc. in response to the conversion of celebrity, Kanye West. It has been met with derision and skepticism by a lot of folks, especially Christians. Why?
I think it is probably a combination of things that make us wonder, wait, and be suspect of people that are constantly in the limelight.
First, we live in a cynical world where people are met with skepticism when they proclaim their newfound belief in Jesus. That is not a shock. Today, it seems everybody is doubtful of everything and everybody. In a “me-centric” world, we think every action, especially by celebrities, must have a personal angle to it. I think Christians can be caught up in that same line of thinking as well. Why? We have seen too many people use Jesus as a platform for getting something rather than loving Jesus for who He really is. Others, unfortunately, confirm our worst expectations of being the normal hypocrites. They often proclaim how they love Jesus, yet their lives too often reflect the opposite. In all honesty, all of us could be convicted that our lives and behavior don’t seem to be different than the average secular person in society.
Second, Christians have a history of shooting their wounded. Instead of reaching out to our brethren when they are at their lowest, too often we are the first to pile on. This needs to change. How we treat each other says a lot about our own personal witnesses to the world. Our lives should be seen similar to that of the “good Samaritan” when a brother or sister is in great need.
Finally, we have too many counterfeit Christian preachers out there that preach a gospel that is contrary to the message of the Bible. God’s standard and doctrine is clear from Scripture about having a relationship with Jesus and how we grow with Him. Sadly, the “prosperity gospel,” that proclaims the promise of health and wealth if a person gives to the ministry, is the worst prostitution of the true message of the cross. In Matthew 5:45, Jesus is clear when he warns that, “the rain falls on the righteous and unrighteous alike.” In other words, there is no promise of health and wealth in the Bible. Actually, Christ says the Christian walk is quite the opposite, and trials and tribulations will happen. We all will have a cross to bear for Him.
In all honesty, all of us could be convicted that our lives and behavior don’t seem to be different than the average secular person in society.
So that brings us back to the original question. How do we respond to someone like Kanye?
His conversion. I think we take his conversion at his word based on his personal testimony. It’s our job to welcome him into the family. I think we pray that he has been convicted of his sin, repented, and found Christ. From everything I have read, he has been very candid about his past, his problems and addictions, and how he has tried everything without Christ. It is God’s job to know the true nature of our hearts and to sort out the wheat from the chaff.
His walk. Pray for discipleship for both him and his family. As my mother always says, “just because you graduate from college, doesn’t automatically mean you become the CEO.” As with all new believers, we don’t become mature immediately upon conversion but need discipleship and mentoring as we begin our Christian walk. I have read columns stating Kanye is meeting with a Christian mentor weekly. He will also face stiff opposition from the secular circles that he was knee deep in. Being a follower of Christ will cost him something. It may be friends, family, job security, etc. He will need prayers and encouragement for sure.
His testimony. Rejoice at the opportunity he has for sharing the Gospel with lost people and fans he has garnered over the years through his secular music. He has such an opportunity that so many of us, Christian artists, and preachers will never have the ability to reach. One thing Kanye has is passion. Do you remember the passion when you first came to Jesus? Christians need to embrace that, not discourage it. There are already news reports of him sharing the Gospel, producing new music, and encouraging others to do the same. How amazing!
It is natural for us to pause and wait in our culture when a celebrity, a brash and overt one, suddenly becomes a Christian. It is not something that we traditionally hear about from someone in Hollywood. It is a God-given miracle. The saying often goes, “if miracles happened every day, they would call them something else.” The problem we have as Christians is we believe in God but don’t pray expectantly. We pray for God’s intervention for things and people, yet we are surprised when God answers and delivers. Maybe we are the ones that have forgotten that God can do anything. However, we need to encourage, love, and embrace people like Kanye when they say they have found Christ. Our job is to welcome him to the family, pray for him, encourage and celebrate him. God is the ultimate “miracle-worker”.
If God can create the universe, part the sea, and raise the dead, why can’t He save Kanye West?
S. Montgomery